“The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair is the largest anarchist gathering in North America and 2019 is its 20th year. In this episode, I interviewed two members of this year’s bookfair collective. Topics include:
- what, if anything, does the bookfair have to do with books?
- is the bookfair for “us,” for “recruitment,” or both?
- how much should event planners try to shape a space like this? what kinds of policies are appropriate and how, if at all, should they be enforced?
- what should we expect at this year’s bookfair? “
June 6, 2019
The Solecast
2019 Montreal Anarchist Bookfair w/ From Embers, Intersection’elle & Rebel Beat
“This episode of the Solecast is a re-air from Podcast panel at the 2019 Montreal Anarchist Bookfair. This panel was hosted by Mugs and its participants were From Embers, Rebel Beat / Changing On The Fly, Intersection’elle, and myself. We discussed anarchist podcasts in general, their role in the movement, Channel Zero, and the sort of feedback we have gotten from our projects. The conversation took some interesting philosophical turns as we talked about privacy, identity and alienation, among other subjects. We also got some great questions from people in the audience about prison abolition, starting a new podcast and how to handle the feedback and permission of interviewees. Much love to the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair for inviting us in for this awesome discussion and for its amazing work keeping this vital infrastructure going for 20 years!”